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We all have to start somewhere, right?  Well, this is my starting point -- right here, right now.

You know, so many people have quotes that they use to help define themselves.  I've just about heard them all from success to failure / love to hatred.  I'd hate to say that I'm above bastardizing anyone else's creativity, but, alas, I'm not.

Here's my quote by GB Shaw:

"It is a curious sensation: the sort of pain that goes mercifully beyond our powers of feeling. When your heart is broken, your boats are burned: nothing matters any more. It is the end of happiness and the beginning of peace."

This blog really is the map of my journey to find peace.  There's no way for me to say that I'm above pain, that I haven't deserved to be hurt, it's really not about feeling superior to people's reactions to me and my decisions.  It's more about learning to adapt to life and accept the way my life has changed, embrace the people who are in it, expel the people who aren't, move on and learn. 

I've fought peace for many years; however, something happened last October that has fully changed my outlook and affected me so deeply that I am settled and happy with who I am.  My husband got a page suggestion on Facebook from one of his old high school friends.  It was to another blog,  The highlighted article was on forgiveness and how to move on from pain.  I read the blog over and over again and instantly emailed my son, who I hadn't talked to in a year. 

Since then, my son and I don't have the best relationship -- to say we even have one would be a stretch by anyone's imagination -- but, I know he's there if I need him and he knows I'm here if he needs me.  Sometimes getting that primal is all you can ask for. 

My name is Amy.  I've been on my journey to peace for 10 months and 3 days and although I may slip, I will never fall again. 


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This blog is my own personal tracking device of my thoughts -- personal, business, parenting, being parented, family.... you name it. I'm not necessarily hoping that anyone will read or follow this, I just hope that it can act as a place for me to reflect, remember, heal, and love.

About Me

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I think it's funny that this asks for a "little" about me. Let's see. I'm married to the most amazing man in the world, I have three beautiful children (two of which live with me), I have the greatest parents anyone could have asked for, and I'm healing, learning, blessed and growing from all of it.


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